Sunday, March 3, 2013

I forgot I had a blog!

So I forgot about blogging after Calvin's arrival. It's been almost a full year! Wow that went fast. Things were VERY stressful after the addition of Calvin and I have no idea what I did with all my time when it was just me and Silas at home all day. I'll probably think the same thing after we have another kid. The first few months after having Calvin were pretty horrible. I had a hard time healing from the C-section and then also had to deal with the crazy emotions that take over after having a kid. My stress relief was running but the more stressed I got the more I ran and my body was not ready for all that work so now I haven't been able to run for months now without feeling like my knees will be the death of me. So now my stress relief is pinterest and cleaning. When I start feeling overwhelmed by being a mother I find myself a project that will give me a little feeling of pride and accomplishment. It's been working great. This was my project this weekend. Silas has one pair of jeans with no holes and the rest had giant holes in both knees. But not anymore! I found a pin that showed how to mend the holes but I guess I didn't repin it. Oops! and then I read on a blog about just seam ripping open one of the sides so you can get to the knees. It was amazing! I feel so dumb. It was just so simple and now Silas can wear all his pants without getting cold little knees.
Other stuff that's been going on is we are now in Idaho while Eric goes back to school to get his Civil Engineering Degree. I'm SO proud of him. I know he was not really excited to go back after graduating once but he really wanted to be a civil engineer and things were just working out perfectly for him to go back to school so we packed up and moved back to Idaho. We're watching my parent's house and dogs while they're on their mission. The boys LOVE having puppies to play with. Eric and I aren't the biggest fans but we're hoping they'll be a little more fun once all the snow melts and they can play outside a little more.
We just got over a nasty case of the stomach flu. Calvin and I got it the worst. I'm so happy to be done cleaning up vomit. At least for awhile hopefully.
Calvin and Silas are the best of friends. They now share a room and they have so much fun. We had to move their bed time up by an hour because after we put them to bed they stay awake for another hour talking from opposite sides or their room. It's pretty cute and just as long as Silas stays in his bed we let it slide.
My next project I'm going to attempt is using coconut oil as a deep conditioner. I've got to see if that stuff is really as amazing as I keep hearing.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, You're back! Good to hear from you. And I appreciate your honesty in your post :)
