Saturday, June 26, 2010

Baby Silas's arival

WARNING: very long post! Sorry!

So it's been a little over a week since Silas joined our family. It started Thursday the 17th I went into the hospital to be induced. They started me on the hormones to start labor and then gave me a sleeping pill so i wouldn't be up all night. But as soon as we started trying to sleep my blood pressure cuff stopped working correctly so that when it tried to take my blood pressure every hour it wouldn't work and a little alarm would start to go off and I'd have to call a nurse in to fix it. This went on all night and Eric and I barely slept. We were both completely awake around 4 in the morning and just ended up staying awake after that. Around 7 am the doctor came in to check my progress. I was only dialated to a 2 and thinned to 50%. So I still had a LONG way to go. So they started me on pitocin and told me they'd come back and check after a while and if I wanted pain medicine to just let them know when. So the contractions started and I put off getting the pain medicine so that it wouldn't wear off before they got really bad. I used to always see the movies and tv shows when the women were having contractions and they would scream and I'd think "what a pansy. It can't really be that bad" now I feel bad about that. I didn't scream but it was horrible! I guess I was asking Eric if I could just have a C-section. So the nurse came back after a couple of hours and I told her I wanted the pain killers. So she gave them to me and left again. The pain killers did NOTHING! So as soon as the nurse came back I asked/begged for my epidural. I think the 10 minutes that it took the anesthesiologist to get up to my room was the longest of my life. So he finally got there and brought sweet relief! I was worried about getting my epidural too early but after I requested it the nurse checked me and i was dialated to a 8! So finally after some time the nurse came in checked me and found I was ready to start pushing. This was at noon. So I started pushing and three pretty crapy hours later i was still pushing with no progress :( The doctor then said that the baby was under too much stress from me pushing for so long that we needed to try the vacum and the forcepts and if that didn't work i was going to have to have a c section. So first the vacum. The doctor pulled so hard that the vacume came a part and Silas didn't move a bit. Next the forcepts. This was not fun! The doctor was putting all of his weight into pulling on the baby. He was pulling so hard that I was being lifted off the table and a nurse was trying to push on me to keep me from falling off. (ask eric to re-inact this for you. it's pretty funny) he eventually gave up and checked to see if it had done anything and it hadn't. So it was time for a C-section. Eric and i were freaking out. They took me into the operating room first and i was terrified until the anesthesiologist started talking to me and he was joking around with all the nursed and doctors in the room like it wasn't a big deal. Eric finally came into the room and held my hand. We were still both freaking out. I was so scared that i was going to be able to feel them cut into me and i told the anesthesiologist this. He kind of started laughing and said they had already cut me open and i had the doctor's hands inside me. Then he said to stop worrying because a c-section isn't a big deal and they'd have the baby out in less than three minutes. (they had him out in two and a half) After hearing that i calmed down a TON. I couldn't feel what was going on at all. I only knew what was happening by watching Eric and listening to him ask what different things were. it was the coolest moment when we heard Silas cry for the first time. But then they took him right out of the room and i was so mad i didn't get to see him. Finally they brought him back when they were sewing me back up and layed him on my chest. I was so excited but i could barely hold him because i was shaking so much from the epidural so Eric just got to hold him so i could see him. Then they took him away again to finish cleaning him and to check that everything was good with his coloring and such. While i was still being sewen up one of the nurses came back in to tell us his stats. He got a perfect 10 on all the charts which aparently doesn't happen all that often. Also he was 8lbs 11oz. This shocked EVERYONE the doctor couldn't believe how big he was. So finally i was taken to a recovery room where they were going to make me stay for a couple of hours while they kept checking to make sure things were all healing correctly and such. And they told me Eric would meet me in there with the baby. But at the same time Eric was told that he needed to stay in our hospital room down the hall where my whole family was. So i could hear Eric and new he had Silas and i was getting SO mad because i kept asking the nurses why i didn't have my baby and they kept saying 'oh he should be headed in here right now' after what seemed like FOREVER i finally got to hold Silas. It was lucky i was pumped full of drugs or i would have been a lot angryer. So in the recovery room all our visitors finally got to come in and hang out with us. After they were done observing me they let me get up and get all cleaned up and brush my teeth and such. I was feeling so good at this point that after i was done cleaning up they let me walk to my room and i'm very proud of this because all the nurses we very impressed by my ability to be up and walking around. So we stayed in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. During our stay i felt very good about myself because the nurses kept coming in and telling me i was a rockstar on the floor because everyone was so impressed with my quick recovery. (i'm very proud of this :)) so now we have Silas at home with us. He's doing great. We've already had one doctor appointment for him and he's perfect. I've seen my doctor too and he was very impressed with his handy work and how quickly my incision is healing. So everything's great. Mark and Mary were able to come out on Friday and spend 6 days with us. Mary and Silas really bonded and Silas LOVES his grandma.

1 comment:

  1. awww Jenny! thanks for the detailed story! Although I was holding my stomach the whole time I was reading I'm glad everything worked out perfectly, and I can't wait to see more pictures!
