Monday, April 15, 2013

Stink eyes

Calvin used to be the sweetest baby in the world. We'd go days without hearing a single fussy sound out of him. We loved taking him everywhere with us because people would always comment on our sweet little boy and what a good baby he was. I'm not sure what happened but in the last few weeks he's developed the nastiest stink eye. And the only time the kid is happy is when he's snuggling his favorite blanket or has a mouth full of food. Otherwise watch out for this death glare.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Two weeks later

So I gave the Clinique three step system a try for the two weeks they recommended and I just got home from returning it. I liked it the first few days but then it just started being too harsh on my skin. It dried out my already dry skin and the hydrating gel they recommended instead of lotion left me feeling like I had a thin film on my face all the time. But with how easy it was to return I think it was worth trying.