and here's a video of eric tickling silas. Enjoy :)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Big Baby!
and here's a video of eric tickling silas. Enjoy :)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Silas's Circus Trick
So here's Silas's newest trick. This is a bit of a tradition in the Vail family. Eric's dad Mark did it with all his kids and now they do it with their's. Marks record was two minutes with Melissa. Eric wanted to try to beat that but with Silas being the chunky boy he is were not sure that will ever happen. (sorry about how dark the video is.)
This is just a video of Silas and his mobile. It's pretty long but I don't know how to shorten it. About half was through is when Silas starts yelling at it.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Our little pill
Silas also got a hand-me-down mobile from Emilee and he LOVES it. Today while we were all getting ready for the day I put Silas in his crib for just a bit while I got dressed and when I went back to get him ready he was just staring at the mobile and talking up a storm so I just let him stay in there until he fell asleep and took a nice long nap. It was very cute. I should've done a video of it but didn't think about it.
Eric is starting up another semester of softball and the bad thing about the softball in the fall is it's FREEZING up at the fields. So i bundled up Silas. He didn't actually wear this blue outfit because I was worried about him not being able to suck his thumb if he got upset, but he just looked so cute when I tried it on him that I had to take a picture.
So Silas and I bundled up and went to watch the game in the cold. Eric did GREAT! He had a couple of nice hits and a nice double play. His team won by I believe 11 runs. I'm not sure how many games Silas and I will be watching. I'd like to go to all of them but it's just SO cold and even though Silas was warm his cheeks were a little pink and the games are just going to get colder.
This semester Eric is doing Intergrated Business Core (IBC) which is when he is in a company of about 20 people and they start a business and they sell stuff on campus. They have to present their idea infront of a loan commity and they are given money to start up their business and part of their grade is on how well they do. He just got back from a camping trip where their company was supposed to do team building and bond. It started out like that but then after the team building they were supposed to pick what they were going to sell. In the business of 20-25 people they are in goups of about 5 and each group was supposed to bring a well researched idea with a report and everything. Eric's group was the only ones to actually have their idea researched. And then when the company voted Eric's group's idea of selling nuts, jerky, fruit leather and dried fruit was the most popular but for some reason another group that wanted to sell Love Sacks (giant expensive bean bags) insisted that their idea be the one they do. They had no research done and they didn't get the most votes but for some reason they are meeting again on Friday morning to decided which one they'll do. I'm very annoyed because I want homemade jerky!
Nothing's new with me because all I do is hang out with my boy. My most exciting stories are about Silas's giant blow out's he has in stores. :)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Silas the nudist
So to make his nudist-ness even better, Silas went to the doctor and we found out what a chubby kid he is.
Here are the stats:
16 lbs-95%
25 in-89%
17 in head circ-96%
He's our Big Baby. :)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Bacon Sushi
Last night we made sushi for dinner and Eric likes to mess with different ingredients. For example we've added cheese to the sushi before. I'm personally not a huge fan but it wasn't terrible. Anyways last night Eric wanted to try sushi with bacon in it. We tried bacon bits before but you couldn't taste the bacon so this time we just went for straight up bacon strips. We put the strips of bacon between the soy wraps and the rice and then just rolled them as usual. We both weren't sure how it would turn out so we only had the bacon in some of the pieces. But much to my surprise it was pretty good. The mixture of the smells was a little weird but it tasted pretty good. We'll defiantly do it again with more bacon.
Also last night Silas slept for 10 hours! I couldn't believe it. I kept waking up starting around 4:30 and wondering why he hadn't woken up yet. I even went to check on him just to make sure he was okay. But this morning I finally woke him up to eat but then as soon as he was done eating he went right back to sleep for another hour. He's getting another cold so i'm wondering if that's what's causing him to be so tired.